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Childcare Management Software
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(866) 842-7806
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Sage Versions Can Store Unlimited Inactive Children
Childcare management software can come in different versions based on the number of families that each version can hold. There is usually no distinction if the families are currently enrolled or inactive. That means if you purchase a version that supports 60 families, that version can only hold 60 families and you must delete inactive families as the children leave the center to open those slots and use them for other families.
All Childcare Sage versions can hold unlimited inactive children. In addition, since the Childcare Sage versions are differentiated by both children and families, you never lose a slot if one sibling leaves but another is still enrolled.
This is a very important feature if you have the small or medium versions of the Childcare Sage for these reasons:
1) If your center offers summer care and you have children who attend during the school year but don't attend during the summer, you can simply deactivate those children for the summer and reactivate them in the fall. You can then use their slots for summer time children, and simply deactivate the summer care children at the end of the summer. This reduces the work you have to do to use your system, and it doesn't force you to purchase a costlier version that you don't need.
2) If children leave your center, you can keep their records in the Childcare Sage which lets you reprint their bill or account summary at any time. This is especially useful if a parent comes back at the end of the year and asks for an account summary for tax purposes.
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Rockville, MD USA
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