(866) 842-7806
Childcare Management Software
Only Professional and Affordable Solution"
(866) 842-7806
Sage™ Sample Screenshot Images
Screens in the Childcare Sage are clean and open, with defined entry boxes to help you work faster. Our screens display lots of information to keep you from having to click from screen to screen, and to make you more efficient. Our screens also use soft colors and gray backgrounds, instead of contrasting colors that can distract you.
and Staff Information Screen

This is the child and staff information screen.
You move around the screen by clicking the desired tab in the
middle of the screen. You can access different system functions
by clicking the icons at the bottom of the screen. The top of
the screen always displays the current contact's information regardless
of which tab you select. The tabs are organized by type of information.
You can move to different children and staff by clicking the person
you want on the left side of the screen.
Persons Tab

This tab shows up to 4 authorized pickup persons
for each child, along with their photos, contact information and
Profile Screen

This is a printable report that displays all of
a child's information except for schedules, rates, charges, payments and appointments.
Most centers print and file this sheet as a paper backup of the
child's information. You can also periodically print this profile for parents to mark any changes.
Entry Screen

This screen graphically shows how many hours the
child was at the center for each day of the week, and all of the
weeks in a month. There are subtotals for all charges,
hours, and payments for each week and totals for the entire month.
In addition, any meals the child ate for each day are also displayed.
You can edit attendance hours, charges, and meals on
this screen.
Journal Screen

This screen lets you keep a journal for each child
with progress reports, incident records, and activities. You can
print any/all of the information in the journal to give to parents.
Easy Charge Screen

This screen lets you charge all of your family accounts. You simply enter a date at the bottom left and click Calculate Charges. The system automatically applies the rates in each account.
Payment Screen

This screen lets you enter payments in batch instead
of going into each account. You fill in the payment chart
with names, dates, and descriptions, by entering values into the bottom left section. The only thing left is to
put in the payment amounts and types in the corresponding row and click
Rates & Schedules Screen

This screen lets you batch copy rates and schedules into child accounts. You simply select the accounts from the left side, then select a rate or schedule from the right side to copy.
Schedule of Charges Screen

This screen lets you setup a schedule of charges for your entire center. You can setup rates for the infant class,
3 year old class, etc; plus you can have rates for part-time children (3 day, 1 day, etc),
full-time children, etc. You can also setup different types of
rates such as late pickup rate, annual registrations, etc. After you setup these rates, you can select which of these rates you want to charge for each child. If you need to change rates (increase the weekly tuition by $10,) you simply change the rate in the Schedule of Charges and you are done.
Menu Screen

This screen lets you setup payroll and benefits for staff. You can then calculate wages for staff and
run payroll with full tax withholding. In addition, you can print
checks, and run tax reports.
Bill- Invoice Bill

This bill itemizes childcare charges, other charges
(registration, field trip, etc) and payments for any period you
select. This is more of a traditional invoice style bill.
Bill- Cumulative Account History

This bill shows the complete account history for
all charges and payments. It is used for account overviews and
year end statements.

This is the Timeclock program sign in/out screen.
This screen lets parents and staff sign themselves in and out.
It also shows daily center notes on the right side. Most centers
install the timeclock on a separate computer that they place near
the entrance or in a hallway.
Timesheet Editor

This is the timesheet editor screen in the Timeclock
program. It lets you edit child and staff timesheets, and see
which children and staff signed in but never signed out, and which
were scheduled to sign-in but never did. You can also edit timesheets
on this screen before the timesheets are transferred back to the
Childcare Sage.
Meals Count

This is the USDA meal count report. It tracks which
meals each child ate over the course of a week. The Childcare
Sage can automatically check off meals for each child based on
their recorded attendance hours. This report is CACFP compliant
and can be simply printed out and sent in.
Reimbursement Report

This is a CACFP reimbursement report organized by
tier. You can select the tier rates and the total number of meals
that are reimburseable per child per day. There are also options
for Free, Reduced, and Paid reimbursements for childcare facilities.
This report is CACFP compliant and can be simply printed out and
sent in.

This screen lets you keep a journal for the center
including maintenance and inspection records, incidents, fire
alarms, etc. You can print any/all of the information in the journal
to keep on file or to use for compliance and regulations..

This screen lets you track center expenses, deposits, and payments, plus it also includes a bank account register. The Childcare Sage can track your center's finances, create profit/loss and income statements, and print checks. You can also print expense reports grouped by date
or type complete with totals.

This is the central report menu screen. From this
screen, you can print accounting reports that show balances, receivables
and payables, center income, childcare payments received and staff
payments paid. You can run forecasting reports to tell you how
much income you will receive for any future period, and you can also
run batch billing reports to print childcare bills and staff paysheets
for selected groups, classes, or all children and staff.
Balance Report with Last Payment

This report shows all current account balances and
the last payment made to the account.
Class Attendance
Chart by the Hour

This is a daily class attendance chart. It shows which children will be in the class in 15 minute blocks. It also counts hows many children will be in the class for Staff ratios.
for Wednesday by the Hour

This is a daily attendance chart that shows how many children are arriving, leaving, and in class
for each class for each hour of the day, plus the staffing requirements
for each class for each hour of the day. The Childcare Sage also
includes empty slot reports, and numerous schedule and sign-in
sheet reports.

This is the appointment calendar screen. There is
a complete appointment system built into the Childcare Sage that
lets you schedule and review appointments with parents.
To Do List

This is the daily activities screen. You can review
your daily activities on this screen including appointments, birthdays,
and a to do list.
Choices and Setup

The Childcare Sage is the most flexible and customizable
childcare management system on the market. You can completely
set up all parts of the system including classes, default billing rates, food and contact categories,
expense and payment types, immunizations and certifications, child
illnesses and illnesses prone to, and appointment and to do types.
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Rockville, MD USA
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