(866) 842-7806
Childcare Management Software
Only Professional and Affordable Solution"
(866) 842-7806
Sage Is Available in 3 Complete Versions: Small, Medium, Large
Childcare Sage is offered in 3 complete versions whose only difference is the number of enrolled children and families that each version can support. Our enrolled capacities are expressed in both children and families. For example, our medium center version can support up to 60 families or 100 children, so as long as your Childcare Sage Medium center version has less than 101 kids or less than 61 families, you are fine in that version. Our limits are in both children and families because your capacity is based on children, not families. If you have a family with 2 siblings and 1 sibling leaves, you only have 1 child from that family enrolled and don't have to use a slot for the family.
You can also upgrade between the versions at any time by paying the difference in price. With Childcare Sage, you can purchase the version you need today, and upgrade at any time to a higher capacity as your center grows.
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Rockville, MD USA
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